Hello to all! It has been a busy week for me but I have finally gotten myself in order! There has been a few changes and if you see a difference in the schedule I have made with you, then please visit the Features Request tab and leave your response in the comments. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Also.... I have 4 slots available in the section for March. It is $1.00 to post your novel as a feature. The feature will include author pic, the story of what inspired you to write that particular novel along with an excerpt from your book, (can be an entire chapter if you like) link to buy the book and the trailer if you have one. As with the interviews the feature will remain on top for a week. If you are interested in this, please check the Feature Novel box through the FEATURE NOVELFeatures Request Tab. Thank you and have a great day!
Interview Schedule for March
3/9 Joe Evener
3/16 Ian McClellan
3/23 R.L. Seago
3/30 Paul Bibbins
Interview Schedule for April
4/6 James Gordon
4/13 Matthew Williams
4/20 Stephen Kozeniewski
4/27 Marilyn Holdsworth
For those of you who have requested Book Reviews, the reviews of the following books will be posted this weekend.
Trials of Hallion - Maria Greene
The Ghoul Archipelago - Stephen Kozeniewski
State of Ecstasy - Ju Ephriame
Strump: A World of Shadows - Michael Beas
Also.... I have 4 slots available in the section for March. It is $1.00 to post your novel as a feature. The feature will include author pic, the story of what inspired you to write that particular novel along with an excerpt from your book, (can be an entire chapter if you like) link to buy the book and the trailer if you have one. As with the interviews the feature will remain on top for a week. If you are interested in this, please check the Feature Novel box through the FEATURE NOVELFeatures Request Tab. Thank you and have a great day!
Interview Schedule for March
3/9 Joe Evener
3/16 Ian McClellan
3/23 R.L. Seago
3/30 Paul Bibbins
Interview Schedule for April
4/6 James Gordon
4/13 Matthew Williams
4/20 Stephen Kozeniewski
4/27 Marilyn Holdsworth
For those of you who have requested Book Reviews, the reviews of the following books will be posted this weekend.
Trials of Hallion - Maria Greene
The Ghoul Archipelago - Stephen Kozeniewski
State of Ecstasy - Ju Ephriame
Strump: A World of Shadows - Michael Beas